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How Did You Do It? Episode 1- Film director Piero Lovatto.

Updated: Mar 2

We decided to kick-off our new series "How Did You Do It?" with Mexico City based film-director Piero Lovatto.

The goal of this series of interviews is to answer to the question itself. We see everyday people working as studio musicians, recording engineers, producers, composers, performers and directors. You probably asked yourself at least once: "how did they do it? How did they get there?".

We will try to discover more about them, their path and we will share it with you all.

Episode 1

Mirai Music collaborated with Piero (@mr.lovatto) in his last creation: short movie "Mirada". In this interview we are chatting about what it means to be a film director and how you can get there. We will discover more about Mexico City and the core-message and generating idea behind "Mirada"

If you are interested in knowing more about composing for movies, director's mindsets, approach to music or Mexico City, this video is for you.

How Did He Do It? Tune in and find out!

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